Thursday, July 29, 2010


Prepare for the worst, expect the best and pray for miracles...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My April 4th Posting..

An interesting note although the docs are hesitant to confirm my suspicions..

My April 4 posting mentions when I ran into Dave Stewart while playing basketball in my gym. At the time my whole right side went numb and my oncologist blamed it on the nerve damage from the chemo..

Well I did have my last treatment in my right arm and neuropathy followed immediately, mostly on my right side. And I dropped the Oxaliplatin to prevent further damage. But at the time my suspicions were that something else was going on.

Well I now think it may have been a combination of factors. I believe I did have neuropathy from the chemo however I now believe the impact with Dave hit the tumor in my left temple immediately triggering a slow brain bleed or hemorrhage.

So my hemorrhage on June 2nd was a continuation of the April impact. So in effect Dave helped bring the tumor to light potentially saving months or years of undetected growth.

Thank you Dave for helping discover my tumor and potentially saving my life!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cancer Cannot Kill Me

Cancer cannot kill me..

OK 3 months on a feeding tube including surgery, chemo, radiation, more surgery to remove the esophagus and a third of my stomach including 19 nodes, chemo again for 6 months, a brain hemorrhage, 3 brain operations, 1 to remove a brain tumor and now more radiation, this time on my brain...and all within a year..

So I am done..yes I may have more complications but..Cancer Cannot Kill ME!

I know..bold statement to make especially considering the odds.

But I still have my faith, my strength, my beliefs, my spirit and my convictions and I now truly believe Cancer will not kill me..

So for those of you that look upon me with sorrow..look no further than the cancer within me as I am not thru fighting..not through living and not done with what I have started..

Before Radiation

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

After Suture Removal

Before Suture Removal

Before Suture Removal